Kamis, 27 September 2007

Jakarta The Indonesia Capital


History of Jakarta

Jakarta was a big harbor with famous among the sailor from europe and asia, with named Sunda Kelapa. in year 1527 Sunda Kelapa was dominated by moslem trader leaded by Fatahilah. Portuguese conquered at Jakarta Bay and this event to be the Jakarta birth day starting that event the name of Jakarta changed to be Jayakarta.
in 16th century Jakarta city changed to be Batavia after Dutch have more strong position in Indonesia. trade monopoly with the Dutch traders was called VOC. in 1941 Batavia changed to Jakarta after Dutch conquered wih Japan.
17 august 1945 is Indonesia independence day, Jakarta to be the Indonesia capital and in 1964 Jakarta to be special authority region leaded by Governor.

Geografi of Jakarta

Jakarta located at north of Java island. at Jakata Bay headed at Java sea. with 2 rivers as a border of jakarta, Citarum river at east side and Cisadane river at west side. a cross of Jakarta city is Ciliwung rivers. temperature around 27 degree celcius on May - October and rain fall in between November - April with temperature aroun 25 degree celcius.

Jakarta Tourism Destination

  1. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
  2. Taman Impian Jaya Ancol (The Ancol Dreamland)
  3. Taman Ismail Marzuki
  4. Ragunan Zoo

Jakarta Museum

  1. Museum National (National museum) famous with call Elephant Museum
  2. Museum Satria Mandala
  3. Museum Sejarah Jakarta
  4. Museum Wayang
  5. Museum Taman Prasasti
  6. Balai Seni rupa Jakarta and Museum Keramik
  7. Museum Bahari
  8. Museum Sasmita Loka
  9. Museum Adam Malik
  10. Museum Sumpah Pemuda
  11. Museum Gedong Joang 45
  12. Museum Puri Bhakti Renatama
  13. Museum Asmat
  14. Museum Olah Raga
  15. Museum Komodo
  16. Museum Mohammad Husni Thamrin
  17. Museum Reksa Artha
  18. Museum Indonesia
  19. Museum Perangko
  20. Museum Textil
  21. Monumen Nasional
  22. Monumen Proklamator
  23. Monumen Pancasila Sakti

Jakarta Sea bases Tourism Destination

  1. Pulau Laki
  2. Pulau Sabira
  3. Pulau Ayer
    • Pulau Ayer is famous with call " Pearl of Thousand Island" Mutiara Kepulauan Seribu the widht only 6 hectares, firstly this island opened on 1950 details www.pulauayer.blogspot.com
  4. Pulau Matahari
    • This island today is closed for tourism destination
  5. Pulau Putri
    • This island located at kepulauan seribu (thousand island) this island is opened for tourism, ussually tourist from jakarta. Pulau putri is equipped with cottages, restourant and all tourism facilities, for details www.pulauputri.blogspot.com
  6. Pulau Pelangi
    • This island located near pulau Putri, pulau Petondan, Pulau Sepa and Pulau Melinjo, the distance around 60 sea mill from Marina Ancol Jakarta, this island is 8 sq hectares. today this island was closed for tourism.
  7. Pulau Kotok Besar
    • This island today famous with call Pulau Kulkul Kotok, this island is still kept naturally and ussually used by divers and skin diver to enjoy the corrals life around the island. this island also equipped with cottages and tourism facilities details www.pulaukulkulkotok.blogspot.com
  8. Pulau Pantara Timur, Pantara Barat and Pulau Sebaru
  9. Pulau Kahyangan
    • This island also call Pulau Cipir or Pulau Kuiper, this island have Dutch Fortress Martello castle.
  10. Pulau Pabelokan
    • this island is 27 sq hectares, actually this island is corral island and by Pertamina this island make to be the basecamp for their petroleum company to serve their petroleum drilling operating at off shore
  11. Pulau Papa Theo (Petondan Timur)
    • located at pulau Kelapa regions with 8 hectares beside Pulau Pelangi, name of "Papa Theo" is call sign for radio comunication for Petondan Timur.
  12. Pulau Bidadari
    • Pulau Bidadari also called Pulau Sakit. the located around 9 kilometers from Marina Ancol Jakarta. in this Island you still able to found the ruins of Dutch fortress. details www.pulaubidadari.blogspot.com

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